Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Best of Both Worlds

The other day we were blessed (Hahahahahahahaha! I'm so funny) with yet another huge dump of snow. Judith, of course, went outside to play right away. She made a snow man as usual. Gideon was at the back door wanting to go outside too, but then I guess he changed his mind. He's not a huge fan of the cold.

A few minutes later, I hear Gideon yell "Mommy, come and see my snowman!" I was all... what? I peeked into the living room, and there Gideon was with his little snow man.

He was super proud, and warm to boot!

I told him that snow can't go in the living room, so he should take it outside. He didn't like that idea much, so he just came into the kitchen, and proceeded to eat his little snowman. But at least the carpet didn't get all wet. Hopefully it was clean snow. =S

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